Live InvincAble Workshop
Natasha Price is the creator behind "Live InvincAble: Embrace Your Challenges to Adapt and Overcome". She is also the co-founder of InvincAble and its sister organisation, InvincAble A.I.D.E, an elite wheelchair racer, author, awards finalist and a woman whose determination and zest for life infiltrates all she does.
Join Natasha as she takes you through her own journey of resilience and shows you her unique formula to living an InvincAble life, no matter your challenges!
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Tash Talks About the Live InvincAble Ethos
Have you ever felt that life is nothing but a series of events an challenges, each one affecting your mindset and consequently your ability to go out a chase your dreams?
Today more than ever, especially during these COVID times, so many people are experiencing adversity; unexpected challenges which they never foresaw occurring. Finding positives in these experiences can be difficult but discovering resilience will support you to remain upbeat about the future despite these challenges.
For too long society has been programmed to believe that adversity is a negative thing, without focusing on the positives that such experiences can bring to life.
In the last 4 years I have gone from totally blind, paralysed from the neck down, and unable to move out of bed for nearly a decade, to an elite wheelchair athlete, awards finalist, author, speaker and business owner.
My passion is to use my experiences to help others find strength, resilience and motivation to work towards the life they have always craved.
I can show you how to embrace your challenges, feel stronger, empowered and grateful for the journey you've been on, allowing you to keep working towards your goals and, ultimately, so that you too can Live InvincAble!
I want to Live InvincAble, please tell me more!